“Can I sleep in a 100% human hair wig?” This is a frequently asked question when people get a new wig. Frankly speaking, it is not recommended by wig experts to sleep with your wig on. However, there are times when you get fatigued after dealing with heavy work during the day, stay at your friend’s house, travel to different places or on a business trip, and forget to bring the hair tools to remove your wig before bedtime. As a result, you’ll have to sleep in your wig. Isn’t that too bad? Fortunately, there are a few tips to help protect your wig and keep it looking pristine the next morning whilst ensuring you a sound sleep at night. Just read on to find out everything you need to know in this informative guide.
Pros & Cons of Sleeping with Wigs on
Let’s go to the positive side first. For convenience’s sake, if you’re always in a rush in the morning, sleeping in your wig will be a great way to cut down on your morning routine. Instead of spending too much time putting on and styling your wig, all that required is to do a few adjustments to it since it’s already in place. Another benefit of sleeping with your wig on is that it can protect your natural hair from getting tangled and reduce possible harm to your scalp caused by improper removal.
Despite the benefits of sleeping in your wig, potential problems also exist. One major concern is that it can cause the wig to become tangled or matted caused by friction. This can be especially problematic whether you have a human hair wig or a synthetic wig. It also causes frizz and eventually breakage and damage to the wig. Another drawback of sleeping with your wig on is that it can be uncomfortable. Wigs can be heavy and hot, which make it difficult to get a good night's sleep. Additionally, the cap of the wig can rub against your scalp, causing irritation and discomfort.
Useful Tips to Protect Your Wig While Sleeping
Get your wig prepared
Just as having your teeth brushed twice a day to keep them clean, it is also necessary to attend to your wig before sleeping, or it may get ruined overnight. Firstly, you need to clean(if necessary) and comb your wig carefully and thoroughly with a wide-teeth brush to keep it smooth without any tangling knots whether you’ve got a straight or curly wig. It would be better to complete this process in sections, starting from the ends and working your way up to minimize hair shedding. The most basic rule to follow is to keep your wig in a completely dry condition because there’s a greater probability that wet hair gets frizzled or tangled in different directions since it’s more soft and fragile. What’s more, wet hair also harm body health and may cause headaches.
Wrap your wig
Above all, you can apply some dry shampoo or hair serum evenly to moisturize and nourish your wig. Next, for a straight wig, you can make a loose pigtail at the back of your head to reduce the chance of getting messy. If you’ve got a curly wig, you can either make a bun by tying up all your hair to a high ponytail and then grab the tip of your hair and twist it from the ends to the base. Wrap it around the base of your ponytail in a spiral, then secure it with a hair elastic; or divide it into two sections and then divide each section into smaller sections to make braids. Don’t make the buns or braids too tight, otherwise, it may lead to shredding or damage at the roots. Both hairstyles help protect your hair from friction better. To further stay away from tangles, frizz, and retain moisture, and keep your wig in place, it is necessary to wrap your wig with soft materials, such as a silk scarf or a satin cap. Last but not least, bear in mind that you should avoid the braids too tight, or your hair may experience breakage at the roots. Using a satin or silk pillowcase is a good alternative. The most commonly used pillowcases made of cotton are not recommended because cotton may absorb the moisture out of the wig.

Q: Is it possible to sleep in a wig most of the time?
A: Theoretically it is possible, BUT sleeping in a wig frequently may damage it faster and eventually shorten its lifespan and does no good to your scalp. Wearing a wig 24 hours a day makes it difficult for your skin to breathe and leaves no time for your wig to take a break. The suggestion is you can prepare at least two wigs and wear them in turns to alleviate pressure on each of them, just like we change our shoes and socks daily.
Q: How often should I clean my wig if I sleep with it on?
A: The most important thing to remember is, when maintaining a human hair wig, do not overwash it. Washing the wig daily or every other day will cause damage to the threads that it's likely to break apart. Besides that, over-washing can also affect the wig's color, causing it to fade sooner. Human hair wig wearers are suggested to clean their wigs every 4-6 weeks or after 30 times wearing as a common practice under the condition that wigs are not exposed to heat, heavy smoke, perfume, pungent odors or other pollutants, otherwise you’ll have to clean them more often. If you wear your wig to bed regularly, you can wash it every two to three weeks gently. When it’s cleaned, always use a cold wind hairdryer to blow it because hot wind may cause hair damage.
Q: Can I take a shower with my wig on?
A: NOT even for the finest human hair wigs. Perhaps you believe it is time-saving and convenient, but don’t ever shower with it on. The high temperature of the water will damage the netting, loosen the wig glue, and break down the bonds of the hair to the cap.
Now you’ve gone through the blog and mastered some of the most useful tips on protecting your wig while sleeping. YMY Hair suggests that you purchase sound quality 100% human hair wigs within your budget because they last longer and take on the most natural appearance.